GSLAM  3.0.0
Application Plugin for GSLAM

The GSLAM application is similar to the Nodelet in ROS.

This allows zero copy passing of data between nodelets instead of messaging passing with buffer, which is recommended in ROS2. However, writing a GSLAM application is even more easier.

Tiny Demo Using Arguments with Tab Completation

Some application is stand alone and so that does not need Messenger to contact with other applications. This makes the application just like traditional c++ excutables. Here is a tiny demo:

#include <GSLAM/core/GSLAM.h>
using namespace GSLAM;
int run(Svar config){
config.arg<std::string>("plugin","","The svar module plugin wanna to show.");
config.arg<std::string>("key","","The name in the module wanna to show");
if(config.get("help",false)) {return;}
std::string pluginPath=config.get<std::string>("plugin","");
std::string key=config.get("key","");
Svar inst=Registry::load(pluginPath);
GSLAM::Svar var=key.empty()?(inst):inst.get(key,Svar(),true);
else if(var.isClass())
else std::cout<<var;
return 0;

When we typing 'gslam doc', we acqually use this tiny code. Writing a GSLAM application is just like to write a traditional 'main' function, which accept arguments and returns an int. By using Svar, we recommend developers to list all used parameters and provide a help firstly. GSLAM will provides the tab completation and help infomation below:

~> gslam doc -help
exe [--help] [-conf configure_file] [-arg_name arg_value]...
Using Svar supported argument parsing. The following table listed several argume
nt introductions.
Argument Type(default->setted) Introduction
-plugin str("") The svar module plugin wanna to
-key str("") The name in the module wanna to
-conf str("Default.cfg") The default configure file going
to parse.
-help bool(false->true) Show the help information.

Application with Messenger Topics

Since most application should communicate with other applications, Messenger is used to publish and subscribe messages. It is highly recommended to assign the Messenger topic usages with "__usage__", for the following code:

#include "MapHash.h"
using namespace GSLAM;
int run(Svar config){
std::string in =config.arg<std::string>("in","","the map to load");
std::string out=config.arg<std::string>("out","","the map file to save");
std::string map=config.arg<std::string>("map","map","the map topic to publish or subscribe");
Publisher pub=messenger.advertise<MapPtr>(map);
Subscriber sub=messenger.subscribe(map,[out](MapPtr mp){
if(out.size()) mp->save(out);
Subscriber subOpen=messenger.subscribe("qviz/open",1,[&](std::string file){
if(file.find(".gmap")==std::string::npos) return;
MapPtr mapHash(new MapHash());
MapPtr mapHash(new MapHash());
return Messenger::exec();

Here is the usage help:

~> gslam gmap -help
Publisher and Subscriber lists:
Type Topic Payload
Subscriber*1 qviz/open str
Publisher*1 messenger/newsub GSLAM::Publisher
Subscriber*1 messenger/stop bool
Publisher*1 messenger/newpub GSLAM::Subscriber
Publisher*1 map std::shared_ptr<GSLAM::Map>
Subscriber*1 map std::shared_ptr<GSLAM::Map>
Using Svar supported argument parsing. The following table listed several argume
nt introductions.
Argument Type(default->setted) Introduction
-in str("") the map to load
-out str("") the map file to save
-map str("map") the map topic to publish or subs
-conf str("Default.cfg") The default configure file going
to parse.
-help bool(false->true) Show the help information.

The usage of an application contains two parts: parameters and in/output. Svar handles all parameters and Messenger handles all data communication.
