GSLAM  3.0.0
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Compile and Install
 Svar: A Tiny Modern C++ Header Brings Unified Interface for Different LanguagesSvar is a part of GSLAM, but also is a separate project:
 Messenger: A Tiny Class Implemented ROS Like Pub/Sub Messaging.Messenger: A light-weight, efficient, thread-safe message publish and subscribe tool similar with ROS, a popular robot operating system
 3D Transformations: SO3, SE3, SIM3GSLAM implemented some high performance transformation classes in headers without other dependencies
 Camera Models in GSLAMA Camera describes the corrospondence of image coordinates and 3D directions
 GImage: Replace cv::Mat with A Tiny HeaderGImage is a header only implementation of "cv::Mat", and the main implementation is inspired by opencv 2.4.9
 SLAM Map Data StructureThe "Map.h" header provides an optional slam map data interface considering most visual SLAM systems are using such structure, where a Map is constructed by MapPoints and MapFrames, relationship between point and frame calls observation, relationship between frames calls connection
 Binary Built-in File ResourceSometimes we want to use a file resource inside the binary just like the "*.qrc" in Qt
 PICMake: A CMake Tool to Write More Elegent CMakeList.txtGSLAM use PICMake for cmake compiling, which is also a seperate open-source project of Yong:
 The Plugin Structure of GSLAMThe GSLAM core is designed to be very light weighted and only provides the core functionals
 Application Plugin for GSLAMThe GSLAM application is similar to the Nodelet in ROS
 Dataset Plugin for GSLAMThe Goal of GSLAM Dataset is to unify the SLAM input
 qviz Plugin for GSLAM
 Porting ORBSLAM to GSLAM ApplicationPorting ORBSLAM is quit easy, since we just need to subscribe the input frame and publish the tracked frame and map updated
 Tools for Developing a SLAMServeral tools are provided to accelerate developing a SLAM system
 SLAM Plugins Implemented
 Evaluate a SLAM pluginAs most benchmarks only provide datasets with or without ground-truth for users to perform evaluations by themselves
 A Dockerized SLAM BenchMarkWe are planning to building a dockerized SLAM BenchMark, where developers are able to evaluate and compare their SLAM plugins
 Use GSLAM in PythonOne core target of Svar is to provide multiple language support, but for now, only python is supported partly
 Todo List