Compile and Install | |
Svar: A Tiny Modern C++ Header Brings Unified Interface for Different Languages | Svar is a part of GSLAM, but also is a separate project: |
Messenger: A Tiny Class Implemented ROS Like Pub/Sub Messaging. | Messenger: A light-weight, efficient, thread-safe message publish and subscribe tool similar with ROS, a popular robot operating system |
3D Transformations: SO3, SE3, SIM3 | GSLAM implemented some high performance transformation classes in headers without other dependencies |
Camera Models in GSLAM | A Camera describes the corrospondence of image coordinates and 3D directions |
GImage: Replace cv::Mat with A Tiny Header | GImage is a header only implementation of "cv::Mat", and the main implementation is inspired by opencv 2.4.9 |
SLAM Map Data Structure | The "Map.h" header provides an optional slam map data interface considering most visual SLAM systems are using such structure, where a Map is constructed by MapPoints and MapFrames, relationship between point and frame calls observation, relationship between frames calls connection |
Binary Built-in File Resource | Sometimes we want to use a file resource inside the binary just like the "*.qrc" in Qt |
PICMake: A CMake Tool to Write More Elegent CMakeList.txt | GSLAM use PICMake for cmake compiling, which is also a seperate open-source project of Yong: |
The Plugin Structure of GSLAM | The GSLAM core is designed to be very light weighted and only provides the core functionals |
Application Plugin for GSLAM | The GSLAM application is similar to the Nodelet in ROS |
Dataset Plugin for GSLAM | The Goal of GSLAM Dataset is to unify the SLAM input |
qviz Plugin for GSLAM | |
Porting ORBSLAM to GSLAM Application | Porting ORBSLAM is quit easy, since we just need to subscribe the input frame and publish the tracked frame and map updated |
Tools for Developing a SLAM | Serveral tools are provided to accelerate developing a SLAM system |
SLAM Plugins Implemented | |
Evaluate a SLAM plugin | As most benchmarks only provide datasets with or without ground-truth for users to perform evaluations by themselves |
A Dockerized SLAM BenchMark | We are planning to building a dockerized SLAM BenchMark, where developers are able to evaluate and compare their SLAM plugins |
Use GSLAM in Python | One core target of Svar is to provide multiple language support, but for now, only python is supported partly |
Todo List | |