GSLAM  3.0.0
Evaluate a SLAM plugin

As most benchmarks only provide datasets with or without ground-truth for users to perform evaluations by themselves.

GSLAM provides a build-in plugin and script tools for both computation performance and accuracy evaluation.

Computation performance statistics of three monocular implementations integrated within the evaluation tool.

Benefit from the united interface of GSLAM, the evaluation tool can not only evaluate the accuracy but efficiency.

The recordings of memory usage and memory allocated numbers are started after the SLAM application loaded, and updated after every frame processed. CPU usage is updated when the process occupied CPU time increases a curtain value. Frame duration is measured by the time between current frame published and processed.

Evaluate trajectory precision

For a slam plugin such as orbslam, we want to evaluate it's localization precision. GSLAM provided an application named metric_traj for evaluation when running a slam, such as running orbslam with metric_traj:

gslam play metric_traj orbslam -ORBVocabularyFile /data/zhaoyong/Program/Apps/SLAM/GSLAM-ORBSLAM/data/ORB_New.voc -dataset /data/zhaoyong/Dataset/mav0/mono.euroc -autostart -slam orbslam

This will save two file: 'orbslam_traj_vo.txt' and 'orbslam_traj_final.txt'. The vo trajectory subscribe topic "orbslam/curframe" and record the realtime tracking results. The final trajectory subscribes topic "orbslam/map" and outputs all keyframe poses.

Evaluate tracking time usage

Use metric_time to generate time logger file: slamname_metric_time.txt.

gslam play metric_traj metric_time orbslam -ORBVocabularyFile /data/zhaoyong/Program/Apps/SLAM/GSLAM-ORBSLAM/data/ORB_New.voc -dataset /data/zhaoyong/Dataset/mav0/mono.euroc -autostart -slam orbslam
To evaluate the time usage, the slam system is better to process dataset/frame in another thread.

Evaluate processing cpu usage

Use metric_cpu to generate cpu usage logger such as: orbslam_metric_cpu.txt.

gslam play metric_traj metric_time metric_cpu orbslam -ORBVocabularyFile /data/zhaoyong/Program/Apps/SLAM/GSLAM-ORBSLAM/data/ORB_New.voc -dataset /data/zhaoyong/Dataset/mav0/mono.euroc -autostart -slam orbslam

Those metrics can work at the same time. Here below is the content of 'orbslam_metric_cpu.txt':

1 77.7335
1 77.7335
2 77.7335
3 77.7335
4 77.7335
5 166.784
6 166.784
7 166.784
8 176.294
9 176.294
10 174.492

The first column is the frame id, the second colum is the corrosponding cpu usage.

Evaluate slam memory usage

To moniter the memory usage, we had to use another excuable 'gslam_evaluate" instead of 'gslam':

gslam_evaluate play metric_traj metric_time metric_cpu orbslam -ORBVocabularyFile /data/zhaoyong/Program/Apps/SLAM/GSLAM-ORBSLAM/data/ORB_New.voc -dataset /data/zhaoyong/Dataset/mav0/mono.euroc -autostart -slam orbslam

All other things remains the same. Here is the txt content, every line contains 'id memory_in_bytes memory_slices":

1 22323535 17267
1 23920484 18143
2 24479344 24830
3 25201728 27373
4 24423588 25631
5 26480428 25225